Designers are humans, too!

Humble Design Chicago & Metro Design-Build Create a “Home” for Veteran coming out of Homelessness. The Chicago-based Metro Design-Build Team poured their hearts and talents of design and construction into a very special project. We are proud to share the story of Brandon and welcoming him into his new home with you!


On June 11th, the Metro Design-Build team partnered with Humble Design Chicago, a non-profit on a mission to change lives and communities by furnishing the homes of families and veterans emerging from homelessness, for their new client, Brandon.

Donations to Humble Design come from all over the area with furniture pieces and home decor and supplies to complete any space into a truly warm and welcoming environment.

Brandon is a hardworking full-time EMS professional at the VA Hospital, as well as a student aspiring to work in computer science, and an honored Veteran of the US Navy having traveled across the world, stationed in Japan.

As a challenging time for many, the COVID pandemic offered new challenges for those struggling with moving across the country, like Brandon, making ends meet when coming into a new area, and finding a way to financially and emotionally make a place to call “home” in such troubled times.

For Brandon, the Humble Design & Metro Design-Build volunteers helped in transforming his apartment from an empty space into a customized, beautifully set place for him to call “home.”

The hope for Brandon is that he is able to enjoy the new space, study, unwind, relax, and turn off the outside world after working and being at school throughout the day and night.

After watching his reaction, we believe design truly does make an impact and designers do have such a unique touch to bring to the community.

We hope Brandon continues to feel inspired and loved every time he walks through the door!


The Devil is in the Details - Chicago Kitchen Remodel Design & Construction